AI-Enabled WFM Improves Customer and Employee Experiences

DMG explores how companies must address the changing expectations of their customers, but also do the same for their employees. Customers want to interact via digital channels, while employees want scheduling flexibility. New AI WFM solutions can handle asynchronous interactions like never before, and with new algorithms for forecasting and employee self-service, they can allow agile scheduling processes. These new solutions can leap to back office departments for improved efficiency there too.

Dive into the capabilities of today’s WFM:

  • Administer asynchronous interactions, especially those that start in one channel and then transfer to a different one
  • Measure and track activities that did not previously exist when most WFM solutions were designed
  • Modify the staffing of a contact center in real time according to unanticipated changes
  • Use self-service to engage employees in the scheduling process while eliminating the need for supervisory oversight


Jane Cummins
Head of Strategy & Change, Direct Service, AIB


Jane Cummins
Head of Strategy & Change, Direct Service, AIB


Jane Cummins
Head of Strategy & Change, Direct Service, AIB


Jane Cummins
Head of Strategy & Change, Direct Service, AIB

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