Improving quality process and reporting raises engagement.

HireRight, the world’s largest provider of pre-employment screening services, had to replace a legacy on-premises system fast. Dealing with multiple disparate solutions negatively influenced agent job satisfaction. Processes were manual and inefficient. Agent engagement was at 10%. Reporting was time consuming.

With CXone, HireRight saw employee satisfaction go up 15% overall and a 20% improvement in operational effectiveness (as rated by employees). They saved over 1,000 hours annually just on creating business reports. With CXone, improving operations and raising agent engagement—that’s just the beginning.

HireRight increases efficiency and agent engagement.

  • 141% increase in the number of scorecards completed
  • 50% reduction in the number of clicks required to close a case
  • 20% improvement in employees’ satisfaction with leadership
  • 19% reductions in handle time
  • 6% reduction in employee attrition

HireRight transforms agent experience

HireRight’s 100s of agents manage millions of interactions a year. Raising agent engagement from a low 10% was high priority. How did they do it? By replacing that on-premise legacy system. The result: 80% growth in employee engagement and more.