Identify blind spots and points of friction
in the customer journey.

Sub Title
Customers interact with businesses in many ways across every digital channel, and they say a lot. But how do you improve every customer experience (CX)?

The answer is simple: Make your customers the heart of every decision. Ask for feedback, listen, and incorporate it into your CX strategy. That way, you can listen and understand where your customers’ experiences succeed or miss the mark.

That’s where a Voice of the Customer (VoC) program steps in.

New research from ContactBabel: “The Inner Circle Guide to the Voice of the Customer,” with sponsorship from NICE CXone, delves into how businesses currently succeed in meeting customer needs, and what strategies need work.

This report details how successful VoC programs can benefit companies by:

  • Quickly identifying and prioritizing solutions to potential issues
  • Making business decisions that align with what customers truly value
  • Supporting a culture of continuous improvement within the business
  • Identifying underperforming business processes to optimize them
  • Finding unhappy customers in danger of brand abandonment


Jane Cummins
Head of Strategy & Change, Direct Service, AIB


Jane Cummins
Head of Strategy & Change, Direct Service, AIB


Jane Cummins
Head of Strategy & Change, Direct Service, AIB


Jane Cummins
Head of Strategy & Change, Direct Service, AIB

Download the report

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